Please use this easy form to schedule your Mikvah Appointment. We ask for the reservation to be at least 48 hours in advance. If you are visiting and were not aware before, or if for some reason that was not possible, we will still always do our best to accommodate. You can expect to hear back from our staff on the evening before your appointment to confirm details. Full Name First Name Last Name E-mail* Phone Number* Area Code Phone Number Please check all that apply* For mikvah staff to confirm appointment The above number is a cell phone. You may call me.Please ONLY contact me by phone call. No text or whats app please.You may text meYou may What's App me Which date will you need for your Mikvah appointment?* Please keep the evening open. Month Day Year Day of Week* Although you have stated the date, this section helps with clarity Sunday NightMonday NightTuesday NightWednesday NightThursday NgihtFriday NightMotzei ShabbosOther - Please explain in comments box (lower down on this page) We will take into consideration any time preferences you have as well as the needs of others. We can't promise the exact time you request but will do our best to make it work for you. Do you have a time preference? 123456789101112 Hour001020304050 MinutesAMPM Is there anything you would like us to know regarding your appointment? (Additional comments) Mikvah fee - regular $25 Bridal - Evening Mikvah fee - Bridal during evening hours $36 Bridal - Daytime Mikvah fee - Bridal if daytime appointment needed $90 I would like to add a donation to support the Mei Menachem Western Well Community Mikvah We thank you in advance for your contribution. $18$36$54 Total $0.00 Form of payment* Will bring cash or checkPayPal to [email protected] - a discreet option where money goes straight into Mikvah accountCredit card - via - please write Mikvah in message boxOther Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.