GEO Fun Week ending December 13 - Chabad Center of Natick
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GEO Fun Week ending December 13

GEO Fun Week ending December 13

 Two fantastic trips this week – Fells Library, where the kids enjoyed making a special craft – and then the Wellesley public library – which the kids loved. A few kids really wanted the parents to know which library we visited because they want to go again – so parents, did you hear that?? 

Congratulations to our Purple and Green Aleph Champs! So exciting that many of the kids are making such amazing progress with their Hebrew Reading. 

We also had a fire drill this week which went pretty well. We are doing our part to practice safety. 

Also, this week, the kids really got into the act of the Chanukah story. We have so many talented actors and actresses here! Of course, the week was also filled with Chanukah crafts and other activities.

Many more details in our GEO blog and on the private GEO FB group.



GEO Fun Week ending December 6


This week at GEO - Yay! for another Aleph Champ! and for everyone who is moving up in their levels.  Some kids are so motivated, they ask to read and even do extra.  Robotics, Karate, and Challah baking were some of our fun weekly activities.  The praying drumming session was awesome - especially with their own home-made drums and sticks!  GEO Scientists were on a mission to discover Hashem's hidden treasures.  How did they do it?  


Earlier in the week, the kids started building their own cardboard Jewish homes - and other creations.  Another day, the "Beraishit" group continued the story leading up to Noah by making their own rainsticks and studying the blueprint of the ark/teivah.


On Thursday the GEO Scientists were on a mission to discover Hashem's hidden treasures. Their friend in Supraland made it into a cave and was trying to follow the robots colorful tracks, covered over by sparkling crystals. The kids made tracks with glue, covered with salt, then uncovered again and turned colorful. The experiments kept going with making colorful sand and interesting paintings.


The older kids Kids reviewed the concept of Gam Zu L'Tovah/"this too is for the good".  They made a new page for their mitzvah house accordion book and created a beautiful mosaic to show that Hashem has created a colorful world for us to live in. 


The middle schoolers continued with their weekly activity of Tefillah/prayer journaling with great discussion that show deep insight.

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