GEO Fun Week ending November 1 2024 - Chabad Center of Natick
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GEO Fun Week ending November 1 2024

GEO Fun Week ending November 1 2024

What a great week!  Back to our regular schedule after an exciting month of holidays with lots of holiday related activities.  Congratulations to our latest Aleph Champions - there were a few this week!  We celebrated a birthday this week.  It was exciting to have Robotics and Karate back on schedule!  

JewQ learning on Monday included great discussion.  It's so wonderful so see how engaged and insightful the students are. They asked great questions and offering deep thoughts on our purpose, on effort and success, on mistakes and trying again.

On Wednesday in Morah Batya's class, the students learned from a real soldier what it means to follow Hashem's commands.  They got to follow orders and fill out different mitzvah missions. They started off with some "modeh Ani" prayer planks, a fun "shema" obstacle course and a mitzvah toss!

On Thursday with Morah Elana Berelowitz, students continued their conversations about the mitzvah of Bal Taschit. not being wasteful -  while continuing to work on their popsicle stick trees.  They jotted down great ideas for this mitzvah on the tree branches and leaves.  In their Torahpedia books they completed a crack the code activity and discussed the meaning of the message “waste not want not”.  They also discussed about how the Rebbe saved extra paper from the thousands of letters he received.

All in all it was a great week.  Each and every day was filled with activities, learning, friendship, and fun!

 GEO collage Nov 1.png

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