GEO Fun Week ending September 27 2024 - Chabad Center of Natick
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GEO Fun Week ending September 27 2024

GEO Fun Week ending September 27 2024


What another wonderful week at GEO Jewish Afterschool!  Birthday partyWhatsApp Image 2024-09-26 at 11.31.20 PM.jpeg for the world, Morse Code to learn about Shofars, decoupage and other maker-space crafting, Shana Tova lawn sign designing, robotics, karate, Challah making, journaling, food centerpieces - the kids enjoyed so many varied types of activities.  


Monday with Morah Hadassah: The SuperJews - with capes and all - arrive in their room and find a variety of (plush) animals - what are they doing WhatsApp Image 2024-09-26 at 11.12.37 PM (4).jpeghere?!?! What kind of special party are they invited to, and also all the trees and everyone and everything in the world? Well - on Rosh Hashana we celebrate the birthday of the world and crown Hashem as our king. We do this by blowing the shofar. The kids also enjoyed making and designing their own Shofars.


On Monday in Morah Batya's class, the kids had to figure out a Morse Code as part of learning about the Shofar.  They also made playdough to designWhatsApp Image 2024-09-26 at 11.12.37 PM (6).jpeg and help learn about the symbolic foods of the holiday. 


On Tuesday we did different stations.  In one with Morah Elana, the kids got to finish making their beautiful honey decoupage trays and at the other station with the other Morahs, the kids got to do more Rosh Hashanah crafting Maker Space style. 

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Wednesday the robotics team was here again and the kids were hard at "work" creating and developing their robots. 


Afterwards with Morah Hadassah the kids created beautiful yard signs to wish a sweet Shana Tova to the world and the neighborhood. For inspiration, there were various samples on the table of foods and items which make Rosh Hashana special which the kids learned about at that time. 


Also on Wednesday with Morah Batya the students got to do some journaling to help get into the praying mode - which they really enjoyed. After that there was some great "Jew Q" learning followed by games!WhatsApp Image 2024-09-26 at 11.12.37 PM (7).jpeg


Thursday was so fun with our Karate friend Jacob!  Also on Thursday the GEO scientists were on a mission from Supraland to design some extra healthy Rosh Hashana style food.  They were so creative in figuring out how to build interesting displays for a Holiday table. There was also lots of ‘tasting’ involved and some nice clay table sculptures as well.

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