About the possibility of Continuing Education Credits for
Journey of the Soul, Winter 5785
Please Note: The original Journey of the Soul course was given in a previous semester.
Credits were approved and available at the time. It may be possible to currently receive these credits. However research is needed. If, as below, you would qualify and are interested in the credits programs, please contact the Chabad Center of Natick - Metrowest. We will make every effort to follow through and determine if the credits are currently available.
The Information below was made available at the time of the original course .
Many of you are already somewhat familiar with the continuing education credits offered to doctors and mental health professionals. If you are not (or would like a refresher), scroll down for FAQ's about the credits and what they can offer you and your students as well as ideas for marketing to professionals.
Click here for a chart that lists which professionals can earn credit by state for this course
There are some significant differences in how we can offer credits for this upcoming course.
What is different about the credits for this course?
1. For the first time, each individual location will be reviewed and must be pre-approved to offer credits. Please contact Shulamis Nadler at [email protected] if you would like to offer credits to many, a few or even one doctor or mental health professional. We need the dates and times of your classes, to know if you are presenting it via Zoom or in-person and may need an update of your professional bio.
2. Each and every professional must be pre-registered in the Einstein College of Medicine registration system before the class. There is no backdating the registration, once the event takes place. The good news is that each week's class is a separate event, so if they miss the opportunity to get credit for the first week, they can still be entered before the rest of the classes take place. Please collect all the students' information - Name, profession (degree), address, city, state and zip, and email. They will earn 1.5 credits for each class they are registered for and attend.
3. Credits are not being offered for self-study of the additional readings. 1.5 credits are earned for each 90-minute class/activity. (6 times 1.5 totals 9 credits)
4. Each location will have a printed statement to distribute to the students.
If you have any questions, please clarify with Shulamis.either by email at [email protected] or at 917-678-5646.
FAQ’s – Marketing and Basic Information
What are the benefits of this accreditation?
Continuing education credit is valued by all professionals, but even more highly by Mental Health Professionals. In most states, the opportunities for mental health professionals to earn CEs are not as readily available as they are for doctors and attorneys. They are also used to paying a significantly higher amount for these credits. ($99 for up to 9 credits is a great deal for social workerss.)
Who are the mental health professionals?
Several professions fall in this category, and Jews are heavily represented in all these professions.
»» Psychiatrists are MD's specializing in mental health.
»» Psychologists have a PhD in Psychology.
>> Medical Doctors. The course is also accredited by the ACCME for Doctors. The topic of the upcoming course: dealing with death will likely be of interest to them as well
»» Social Workers have either a BA or Master's Degree in Social Work. Common designations after their name are LCSW or MSW
»» Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT, LMT, or LFT)
»» Licensed Professional Counselors or Certified Counselors (LPC, CC) may provide regular counseling or another specific form of therapy ie. Art Therapy
Do the credits cover all the above mentioned professions?
For this course we are partnering with The Einstein College of Medicine. In addition to being an accredited college, the continuing education department is accredited by the APA, American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association’s ACCME
Due to many new requirements, in order to offer credits at your chapter, arrangements must be made with Shulamis Nadler ( [email protected]) or Mindy Wallach ( [email protected]) by the end of December.
Click here to find out which professionals are covered in your state. Contact [email protected] if you would like a copy of the applicable rules in your state.
How do I recruit Mental Health Professionals to attend the course?
1. Consult a Professional
Consult with a mental health professional you may know. (They don't necessarily need to be close friends.) Ask them for ideas on how to attract others in their profession.
Note: The culture may be different in each of the various professions, so consult with someone from each profession to know how to best appeal to them.
2. Network
Network with professionals who can help you find more fellow Jews in their fields. Each profession is its own community, so reach out to as many professions as possible.
3. Psychology Today
Psychology Today is a popular magazine dedicated to mental health. They have a comprehensive "Find a Therapist" feature on their site: www.psychologytoday.com. Enter your zip code (and the neighboring ones as well) to bring up a list of local professionals that offer counseling in your area. There is also a directory of social workers on www.helppro.com.
4. Partnerships
Several JLI affiliates have been successful in partnering with their local Jewish Family Board as well as other agencies that provide mental health services to the community.
Shluchim were able to offer the courses to the mental health professionals on their staff. Funeral Homes, Hospice Services, hospitals, assisted living locations, etc. may be interested in a partnership, or a class for their staff or clients.
5. Dedicated Classes
Many professionals feel most comfortable among their own peers and are more likely to attend a course dedicated to professionals. Talk with the professionals in your community (see item #1) to find the most convenient format, day of the week, time and location. Asking for their help to plan the seminar or course creates a feeling of investment and they are more likely to encourage their friends and associates to attend and do what they can to help make it a success.
6. Personal Invitation
Nothing substitutes phone calls. You can call individuals personally to invite them to your class and ask them to please spread the word among their professional colleagues.
How many credits can one earn and how do we process the claim for credits?
Participants earn up to 9 credits for the classes (1.5 for each 90-minute class). We will not be offering additional credits for the "additional readings" in the textbook this time.
As previously, stated, proper registration is required. Please contact Shulamis or Mindy to learn how.
If you would like to learn more or have any additional questions, contact:
Mrs. Mindy Wallach / [email protected] / 718 221-6900 ext 120